This February, at the Florida Capitol, FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Public Health (CoPPS, IPH) student pharmacists participated in a health fair at the Florida Capitol.
Student pharmacists were under the watchful eye of Pharmacy Practice Professor Soheyla Mahdavian-Matthews, Pharm.D., BCGP, TTS, who monitored their participation in the exercise.
For several years, pharmacy learners and pharmacists have facilitated this health fair event at the Florida Capitol to demonstrate to the general public the value-added services available through our state's pharmacy providers, said CoPPS, IPH Eminent Scholar in Residence, Michael Jackson, BPharm, CPh.
State Representative (District 8) and CoPPS, IPH Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Gallop Franklin II, visited FAMU student pharmacists.
The group was visited by State Representative Gallop Franklin II (District 8).
"It has been over two decades since the Florida legislature had as one of its members a pharmacist," said Mr. Jackson. "With this lack of subject matter expertise, pharmacists felt the need to bring our profession to the halls of policymaking through health fair demonstration programs."
Student pharmacists participating in the health fair event
These health fairs are open to the general public and are offered at no charge. Screenings include blood pressure assessments, blood glucose monitoring, cholesterol screenings, and general consultation services provided to consumers. These exercises with actively engaged students have been essential in helping those charged with considering revisions to health care policy to make informed decisions on the issues. These campaigns have resulted in the following favorable adjustments to the pharmacy practice act:
Allowing our industry to provide all immunizations recommended by the CDC for adults
Allowing pharmacists to provide travel vaccinations to consumers.
Allowing pharmacists to administer influenza vaccines to children who are at least seven years of age
Allowing pharmacists with a collaborative agreement with the prescribing practitioner to initiate, modify or discontinue medications for patients who have certain chronic diseases
Allows pharmacists under a Florida physician's protocol to order and evaluate laboratory tests and treat patients for non-chronic conditions.
Allows pharmacy technicians under the supervision of a Florida pharmacist to administer vaccines
Grants the authority for pharmacists to interchange biosimilar drugs in a similar manner allowed for generic medications
And much more.