FAMU/BMS Residents Announced for 2023-2025

June 01, 2023
FAMU/BMS 2023-2025 Resident Cohort
FAMU/BMS 2023-2025 Resident Cohort

The Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical industry company, in collaboration with the FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Public Health, has officially announced the selection of residency candidates for 2023-2025. This announcement brings excitement and anticipation to the faculty, staff, and learners.

Out of the 12 potential applicants who underwent rigorous interviews, the top 8 candidates were carefully chosen. The selection process took place over four days on Zoom, culminating in selecting the two most qualified candidates.

FAMU South Florida Pharmacy Practice Center Division Director Nathaniel Eraikhuemen, PharmD, Memorial Regional Hospital, and Memorial Cancer Institute and BMS representatives played an instrumental role in the selection process. Their expertise and guidance ensured the thorough evaluation of each candidate's qualifications and suitability for the program.

The FAMU/BMS Pharmaceutical Residents for the 2023-2025 training period are Jenoy Merchant, PharmD, and Maxwell Okunrobo, PharmD. Dr. Merchant, from the University of Maryland, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the program. His background includes a BS in Biochemistry and Clinical Laboratories from Nazarene College. Dr. Okunrobo graduated from Texas Tech University Health Center and holds a BS in Biology/Chemistry from Ms. Valley State University.

Dr. Merchant, a first year FAMU/BMS Residency Program resident, expressed his enthusiasm for the program's multidisciplinary and cross-functional nature. He saw it as an opportunity to refine his clinical skills before transitioning to the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Merchant was particularly drawn to the sense of community, support, and belonging that the program offers. He looks forward to contributing to global health progression and nurturing future pharmacists.

Similarly, Dr. Okunrobo, another first year resident, highlighted the unique clinical experience offered by the FAMU/BMS Residency Program. Coming from Benin City, Nigeria, Dr. Okunrobo aims to establish strong relationships with key thought leaders and make a lasting impact in the pharmaceutical industry.

Both residents are excited to collaborate with fellow residents and mentors. They eagerly anticipate engaging in research projects and developing their careers under the guidance of experienced professionals.

The FAMU/BMS Residency Program is known for providing exceptional training and career development opportunities. By selecting the most qualified candidates, this prestigious program continues to pave the way for the future of pharmacy.