Institute of Public Health

The Florida A&M University (FAMU) Institute of Public Health (IPH) was created by the 1995 Florida Legislature with the mission of improving the health status of Florida’s poor and underserved. IPH was given the authority to initially offer the Master of Public Health (MPH) Degree Program. In March of 2004 and October of 2004, the FAMU Board of Trustees and the Florida Board of Governors, respectively, approved FAMU’s development and implementation of the Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) Degree Program.



Greetings, and Welcome to the FAMU Institute of Public Health!

Cynthia M. Harris, Ph.D.
Cynthia M. Harris, Ph.D.

As Associate Dean and Director and Professor of the Institute of Public Health (IPH), it has and continues to be my pleasure to administratively serve the public health training needs of our students (learners)– future public health professionals! The IPH “A-Team” is a cadre, a family of faculty, staff, and students who, together, actualize our mission “to develop and produce culturally competent public health practitioners and leaders through graduate training, research, and service” and strive towards making a reality our vision of “Creating and Advancing Health Equity for All.”   This year, based on the heightened significance of public health in the College, Dean Johnnie L. Early, II, led the charge towards a College name change.  As a result of his efforts and University support, the name of the College is now the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Public Health.

Our IPH offers both the Master of Public Health (MPH – traditional and online) and the Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degree, and we have several notable distinctions as noted below:

  • First accredited public health degree program administratively housed in a college/school of pharmacy
  • First accredited (by the National Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) public health program in North Florida.
  • First public health program to offer the Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degree in Florida
  • Conferred the first DrPH degree in the state of Florida
  • First Historically Black College and University (HBCU) to offer the full MPH degree online

As with many schools and programs, the Year 2020 has presented many challenges regarding the mode of instruction (virtual), due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Our faculty and students have also been on the frontlines in providing educational materials to community groups and serving as contact tracers throughout Florida (deployed by the Florida Department of Health).  Our public health program was also involved in the development and implementation of the FAMU COVID-19 Community Testing Site serving the University and the community at large.  It is touted, by the State Department of Emergency Management, as the most productive walk-up testing site in the State!

Last but not least, the Institute of Public Health is currently celebrating its silver anniversary!  Yes, we are celebrating over 25 years of public health training, research, and service to the Community!

Thus, we continue to contribute to meeting the public health workforce needs and conducting evidence-based research in addressing health disparities that disproportionately impact the poor and underserved. Through training, research, and service, we are also actualizing the FAMU motto of “Excellence With Caring!”

Yours in Public Health,
Cynthia M. Harris, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of Public Health
Director and Professor, Institute of Public Health

Background of the Florida A&M University (FAMU) Institute of Public Health (IPH) 

Full accreditation by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) through July 1, 2028.

Council on Education for Public Health
800 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 202
Washington, DC 20001-3710
Web Site:
Phone: (202) 789-1050

"Creating and Advancing Health Equity for All"

The mission of the FAMU Public Health Program is to develop the practice of culturally competent public health practitioners and leaders through graduate training, research, and service. Thus, the contribution of the FAMU Public Health Program to the public health workforce should substantially improve the health status of the diverse poor and underserved.

There are seven values, concepts and ethics upon which the Public Health Program has been built. These guiding principles direct the “who we are and why we must be” of the Program. They provide the framework for determining the Program mission, goals and objectives.

These are:

  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Excellence with Caring
  • Respect for the Individual
  • Equality of Opportunity
  • Social Justice
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Community Empowerment
  • Peer Review

Honesty and Integrity: To emphasize and subscribe to the significance of dignity and ethical behavior in public health practice.

Excellence with Caring:To provide an environment that is nurturing while striving for excellence in academic performance and public health practice

Respect for the Individual:To recognize and respect each and every individual as deserving of good health and access to health care.

Equality of Opportunity:To ensure equity in maintenance of health status and access to health care.

Social Justice:To understand that responsible public health is rooted in a social justice philosophy.

Cultural Sensitivity: To embrace and celebrate a diverse public that requires acknowledgement and consideration in the design and implementation of programs and practices resulting in culturally competent public health professionals.

Community Empowerment:To promote community protection of its own health through knowledge and training.

Peer Review:To continually monitor, evaluate and review the Program’s goals and objectives based on the feedback and counsel of Program constituencies.

The overall goals for the Institute of Public Health are:

  • To provide quality graduate education and training in public health;
  • To advance knowledge of the cultural competencies required to decrease high risk behavior and promote healthy behavior choices;
  • To promote and advance competencies in professional development in public health.
  • To conduct research that provides an evidence base for improving the health of those who bear a disproportionate burden of disease;
  • To disseminate and translate research knowledge and findings gained to all public health stakeholders and the community at large.
  • To encourage effective health promotion and disease prevention measures through proactive community outreach efforts statewide;
  • To contribute to the development of effective public health policy for Florida’s poor and underserved populations;
  • To contribute to the development of a sustainable, culturally competent public health workforce
  • To strengthen existing partnerships and establish new sustainable service linkages with university, local, state, and national agencies and organizations

Institutie of Public Health 2020 - 2025 Strategic Plan

View the Institute of Public Health Strategic Plan







Please get in touch with us if you would like more information about the Institute of Public Health and its degree programs. 

Gloria O. James, B.A. 
Director of Student Affairs, IPH  

Institute of Public Health 
Florida A&M University
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Public Health 